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We are Market Research Pros from around the world
This is a place where market research pros can turn when they have questions about:● Methods● Vendors● Tools● Events● RFPs● Jobs● And, much more
MRx Pros provides
Once a month, we have deep dive discussions on a topic relevant to research professionals. The group emails can also be surprisingly educational as well.
Connect with other market research professionals from around the world. We are an informal group and have quant, qual, client-side, vendor, and association professionals in our ranks.
Tuesday networking, Fun Fridays, a monthly book group, and monthly discussion groups make up the core of our member events.
When you join MRx Pros you opt into a Google Group that allows you to email everyone in the group. Members use this group email to ask questions, search for support, and get professional advice.
Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
Werner von Braun
- Dan Zarrella